
Showing posts from June, 2024

Systematic Investment Plan

Many of us have heard so many times in Advertisement and in our circle about SIP, but we have so many questions in our mind. As most of us have learned about investment avenues like Real Estate, FD/RD & Gold. But today we will learn about a powerful investment tool, and we know that by the name - SIP . As we all know SIP stands for Systematic Investment Plan where instead of putting money at one go, we save small amount every month, without getting any burden we can accomplish our financial goals easily.  What is SIP ? SIP is way to enter into equity market via much diversified way and at a regular interval depending upon our cash flows, with this we can pass over the volatility risk in equity market.  When the market is on the upside, we get lesser units and when market move on downward trajectory, we get more unit which help an investor in averaging Here we don't have that obligation of putting a big amount at one go instead we can invest as per our saving capacity or fi...